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The Black Parade

]The Writer]

Age:15 goin tu 16
School:Pioneer sec

[ The Chemicals[

1;kerina:D 2;Alyssa:D 3;Nadia:D 4;Lana:D 5;Liming:D 6;Fong:D 7;Rully:D 8;Meiyi:D 9;GuoSheng:D 10;Stacy:D 11;KiahuI:D

[ Those Sweet Days[

Memories of his days

November 2006
>'>November 2006
December 2006
>'>December 2006

]Rock It On; watch it]

My Chemical romance- The Black Parade- Welcome To The Black Parade .


[Say Thanks To Them[

  • Irsyad[chemicalkrypt[

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  • Thursday, November 30, 2006

    Today morning training there is a good news for the basketball team.
    when start warming up for training ,the principle came to talk to us *the whole team*.He sae that he will be doin a project for basketball. he will be puting more rings around the basketball court,he oso sae that the street soccer court will be take down and build a basketball court up at there ,so we got more courts to train in ,the hall will oso has an indoor court so we could train in raining days.but he sae he spent the money in the project beacuse we want us to make it into top eight in west zone or else basketball will be close down like the soccer cca.
    The indoor court the coach sae onlin for the black team to train in dunno why he choose the black team to train in the indoor court , maybe gt me in the team that's why?
    i dun get it why the principle help to upgrade the basketball and not the ruby and neball as they get better results ?i heard the whole project cost up to 15k?
    another good news is that there is an invitation to a sum sort of league .match dates:8 , 9 ,12,13 of dec.
    nd my new jersey number is 14 ,sad not wat i wanted.by next year jersey good sia pay by the school for two set of jersey , last time must pay for own self one.
    This sat my ask cf,wb,gs,eugene,lz,me to go to his club there and play cant wait to sat!:D
    sad news is my back injures and my left hand thumb was oso injured while training and outside playing basketball i should listen to my coach not to play basketballin mon ,wen,fri .Dunno when full recovery , my back hurts alot now beacuse of eugene's elbows.
    But i cant wait for the matchs in the dec and next year league.

    Revenge is not sweet.It's sour.
    6:43 AM

    Saturday, November 25, 2006

    Today was nt my day!I woke up to early and was very hungry but lazy to cook .So i do finish household , i when to eat . i brought a bowl of meepork, it was so salty! never mind , later that afternoon my frenz ask to go play basketball at 2.30 behind jjc . i ask them to koi me when they on the bus .liming was one of them , i was purpose to meet them frist cos i didn't noe where is the court. i waited them for 30min at the jjc bus stop at 3 plus they came never mind if they later . we started to walk to the bball court we heard thunder roar, we start changing omce we reach there cos not to waste time.we start playing 3 vs 2as we wait for cf and hogan. when hogan came it started to rain heavy so we had to rush to the koipitam to get shelter. we were so thirsty so we order drinks.when the man who sell water came i noice that i had only two dollars left so i had no choice to spent it.it rain so heavy that every one wants to go home, so we drank our drinks and starts to run throught blocks to get some shelter.when we reach the road we ran across the road i almost forget that my bball shoe got no more fiction and has hole!!!!! There was a big pool of water that all of us went in it not knowing omg!!
    den all of us ran fast over it. shoe was all wet ! i need to wear it for playing bball at ntu at night one!
    nvm so we wait for the bus 99 , it was fast gd i could go home and dry my shoe!


    =At six plus i went jp to meet cf and take bus 179 to blk948 to meet the others. we were late, nvm we oso went to watch a frendy at there to my surprise it was our coach team but hie team sure lose want the opp. to strong liao.After first quater we head to NTU to play bball . we walk the way we used to walk last me, it was the fastest way to the bball court. last time we use to play there with the china ppl, one time when it rains lim zhu say that when it rain heavy we coulgnt get out of there , so he ask us to run for our life. we ran all the way back to blk847 which is across the road over the express way.we didnt even care for our friends we just run for our life.
    but after lot of time going we know the story was jus to make us run faster!
    Back to the bad day of my.
    cf told us that the light will be off at 11pm ,jus as we start the game he light went off .DAMm it, Cant we just play a game of BASKETBALL!!!!! peacefully,with light and rains.
    we just play till 10plus when every one was tiredand wanted to go home and rest .so we packed up and go.cf, hogan and wq wanted to take taxi home so they ask me if need a ridehome, so i agree when we were in the taxi we each must give $3 for taxi fare. Every1 had no chande all is $10 note , so no choice i give my ten $ and ask for the changes.write till here lazy to continue>.....................

    sorry if u dun understand , i'm too tired
    any problem tell me or QNs.....

    Revenge is not sweet.It's sour.
    8:24 AM

    Friday, November 24, 2006

    Ytd after training from 9 to 11.30. i went home to prepare to go to ccab at bukit timah to see the pictures of the trip to langkawi when we are going to and coming back it was so fun.After the slide show the whole team when to clemanti to eat dinner the girls frm juying sec and vivian when to eat pizza , den the pioneers when to eat kfc and the rest went to eat mcdonald. at round seven we meet again and went home.
    Everyone went home but i and weibin had to stay as there is a stupid gal who didnt bring keys along and had to pei her untill her parents cum back.so we went to jp to walk ,just like that my night was waste with the two tortises(weibin & kerina), watching them having fun together. At around 8 plus weibin decided to go imm so we when to the bus stop outside jp and wait for bus 198 to go jurong east it came a around 9 waited so long till can sleep!
    haiz i dun wan to write any more too lazy so short cut too the end.
    9.48 ,kerina the one hu didnt take her hse keys along wanted to go, so we followed her to bukit botak mrt station and wait for her parents to cum home . That night i felt like a lamp post beside them .At 10 plus kerina went home and so weibin and i went home .WEi bin alighted at lakeside ,and i alighted at boonlay and start to walk home . What a tired day , i went home bath and switch on tv to check got wat show , no show and so i went to bed and start dreaming till afternoon to day ...............

    Revenge is not sweet.It's sour.
    3:20 AM